Movement # 3 PANDORAS BOX
Songs of LOVE [The Child The Meeting (synthesis)]
An Interactive Script
Locations: The Enmore Theatre, Sydney, a Taverna on the island of Kythera, Greece, and images of Piraeus & Athens Greece 1930s.
Pathway icon: montage Komboloi (Worry beads) & an old vinyl record (Greek).
Visual trigger: the Komboloi/vinyl record icon triggers the words (sound) Pandoras Box
Sound: Rembetika music Rast Gazal by Roza Eskenazi, Songs of joy & despair of urban refugees & ghetto dwellers & Rebetiki Ensemble (Australia 2003).
Performance: Rebetiki Ensemble (Carnivale 2003 multicultural arts festival performance, Enmore Theatre). In a smoky, crowded Cafe (taverna) a musician takes up two Ouzo glasses & begins to create a rythmic beat. Slowly the stringed Baglamas (miniature stringed instrument that fits to hide under a jacket) creates an elaborated (taximia) introduction and the the Accordian, Bouzouki accompany a wailing voice...evoking the songs of the Manghes in their hash dens and Taverna's of Piraeus & Athens, Greece in the 1930s...The Greek Blues.
Storyline (1): Opening Titles objects emanate from an ancient stone box...
MOVING IMAGE: Symbolic Greek icons fade into frame and spin into an animated montage sequence (1) Pandora and her Box, (2) a gold Greek Cross & Evil Eye (blue with black centre), a set of (3) Komboloi (Worry Beads), a (4) Bouzouki & Baglamas (string instruments). The objects form an arrangement on the screen surface and Nina's hand holding an old key creates a hotspot triggering four narrative options.
SOUND: The opening (modal) musical phrases of Rast Ghazal by the legendary Greek Blues singer Roza Eskenazi.
TEXT: Dynamic text appears on the surface of the screen (lyrics) SONG LYRICS What benefits me to cry? I only waste my tears. Thus will I torment myself until (the day) I die. Athens c. 1931-1932
Pathways :
(1) Pandora and her Box pathway: A personal narrative of a Greek woman from Egypt traveling by ship to Australia: (2) Ancient Culture & Greek Religion pathway : a gold Greek Cross & Evil Eye (blue with black centre), (3) Rembetika Music pathway: a set of Komboloi (Worry Beads), Bouzouki & Baglamas (string instruments).
Graphics: digitised objects composed on the screen create a collage of virtual options.
Composition: symbolic Greek iconographic images found black & white photographs, fictional biography, voice, and music icons.
Musical Score: musical compositions by Rebetiki Ensemble (Australian Rembetika group)